Android development using kotlin

Master Android App development with Kotlin

Master Android app development with Kotlin at Coding Blocks. Designed for beginners and professionals, this course offers hands-on training in Kotlin programming, Android applications, and advanced features like Firebase. Gain industry-relevant skills through expert mentorship and real-world projects to excel in mobile app development and advance your career.
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Kotlin Learn using

5 Live projects

4/6 months Duration

Classroom | Live | Online Mode of Delivery

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Starting from ₹ 1050/-

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Key Highlights

Learn Kotlin

5 Live Projects

4/6 Months Course Duration

Certificate of Excellence/Completion

Placement assistance

  • Welcome aboard
    Welcome to the course
  • Android Operating System
    Android is a mobile operating system based on the Linux kernel and other open source software, designed primarily for touchscreen mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets.
  • Setup and Run First App on Android Studio
    Install Android Studio in your PC and build your first Hello World app.
  • Android Project Structure
    This section will help you understand each and every part of the Android project structure in details.
  • Android Components
    In this section, you will learn the implementation about Activities, Services, Receivers, Providers
  • Activity Lifecycle and Debugging
    It's very cruitial to handle the configuration changes while buillding an app. In this section, you will learn about activity callbacks and lifecycle events.
  • Kotlin Fundamentals
    Understand basic syntax, variables, null safety. Write your first Hello World program in Kotlin.
  • Collections, Loops and Conditionals.
    This sections will help you understand arrays, loops, collection libraries and keywords.
  • Functions in Kotlin
    Functions Arguments, Typed Arguments and Vararg Arguments.
  • Classes in Kotlin
    Understand accessing class properties and members, constructors, Object Oriented Programming concept in Kotlin.
  • Activities
    The very first component of Android and this component is similar to canvas.
  • Layouts
    Learn to make beautifully designed apps, with all kinds of screen sizes and all types of layouts.
  • Views
    Implement basic views such as TextView, EditText, Button, Image Button, Date Picker, RadioButton, CheckBox button, Image View.
  • Advanced Views and Layouts
    In this section you will learn about Constraint Layout for implementing complex user interface.
  • View Binding with Kotlin
    Android View binding is a feature that allows you to more easily write code that interacts with view elemets.
  • Deep dive into views, themes, Material Design etc.
    Learn about themes, Material Design guidelines.
  • Introduction to GitHub
    Version control system helps developers track and manage changes to a project’s code. You will learn how to use github for commiting changes and creating pull request.
  • Making a Repository on GitHub
    Learn how to create repository in github and upload the project.
  • Cloning a Repository in GitHub
    Learn how to clone any repository to your local system.
  • Adapters and List
    In this section you will learn about creating adapters for creating lists views.
  • Intents
    The communication between two activities is achieved using intents. You will learn about starting another activity.
  • Fragments, ViewPagers and Navigation Drawer
    Learn to implement fragments, viewpagers and Navigation Drawers.
  • Service
    Not everything happens on the screen, learn to create services that run in the background to perform long running tasks.
  • Shared Preferences
    Learn to store primitive key/value data to shared preferences. It helps you to quickly retrieve data required for app.
  • SQLite and Content Providers
    Android provides SQLite as a local database to store data.
  • Room Persistance Library
    Room is a part of Android Jetpack Library. It helps you easily implement database operation and provide wrapper functions.
  • Introduction to Networking
    A mobile app is nothing without connectivity. Learn to add network connectivity and integrate your app with remote servers.
  • OkHttp and GSON
    Learn how to implement advanced networking libraries like okHttp and GSON for parsing.
  • Retrofit
    In this section you will learn about adding retrofit library. Learn GET, POST, DELETE request to communicate with servers.
  • Job Scheduler
    Learn to implement functionalities like alarm and stopwatch using JobScheduler.
  • Introduction to Jetpack
    Android Jetpack is suite of libraries to help developers build app using best practice and write code that works consistently for across android devices.
  • Background tasks with WorkManager
    WorkManager allows the app to do things in the background even when the app is exited or the device is restarted.
  • CameraX
    Android CameraX is a part of Jetpack libarary which help you to integrate Camera in your app. You can build Snapchat similar apps using CameraX.
  • Coroutines
    In this section you will learn the concept of multi-threading. Kotlin coroutines introduce a new style of concurrency that can be used on Android to simplify async opearations.
  • Todo App
    A simple Todo List app using Recycler View.
  • Weather App
    Make a weather app using Networking with the openweathermap API.
  • WhatsApp Clone
    Make a simple one to one chat app using Firebase
  • Google Lens Clone
    Make a clone of google lens using ML kit with features like object detection, text recognition and more.
Google lens clone

Create a stunning Google lens clone and play with features like Image recognition, QR codes and more

Whatsapp clone

Build this super popular app from scratch by working on all stunning features like Real time chat, media etc

Weather App

Work with Weather APIs and become an expert on RESTful API with this project

Tic Tac Toe game

Work on this all time favourite game grounds up by using the skills you gained in the course

To-Do app

Create a handy To-Do app to get organised and share it with your audience

Choose Batch

Classroom Batch

3-4 months duration and 5 Live projects
Priority Placement assistance & Doubt support
Personal mentoring, progress tracking and feedback
Certificate of Excellence/Completion
Free Wildcraft bag, Swags and access to Online course
Developer CV and In-class Hackathons


Live Batch

60+ Live classes, 3-4 months duration and 5 Live projects
Priority Placement assistance & Doubt support
Personal mentoring, progress tracking and feedback
Certificate of Excellence/Completion
Developer CV and In-class Hackathons


Online Batch

Highly Economical model to learn
40+ hours Exhaustive content and Tech enabled Guided learning
6 months duration, Kotlin and 5 live projects
Live interactive booster classes of difficult topics
Certificate of Excellence/Completion
Progress tracking and feedback
Optional Priority Placement assistance & Doubt support


Why choose Coding Blocks

Learn and grow as a developer with our project based courses.

Industry-focused curriculum

Superb mentors

Best in class mentors from top Tech schools and Industry favourite Techies are here to teach you.

Career-focused pedagogy

Industry-vetted curriculum

Best in class content, aligned to the Tech industry is delivered to you to ensure you are a darling of the Tech industry.

Best in class mentor

Project based learning

Hands on learning pedagogy with live projects to cover practical knowledge over theoretical one.


Superb placements

Result oriented courses with placement across all genres, students as well as Working professionals.

Inspirational Success stories of CB Alumni

where hard work and determination meets victory!

Still in doubt? We are here to help you out!

Top placements from these programs

Our Students are placed at

45x - 200x

Return on Investment

After the completion of the course you will get a ROI of 45 - 200x

Choose Batch

Placement assistance

A dedicated Placement team along with Hiring Blocks, the placement portal of Coding Blocks work round the clock to ensure the best of opportunities in the Tech arena are available to you.

Developer CV and profile Preparation

Developer CV and Dev profile preparation

Interview Preparation

Interview preparation

Referrals for Placements and internships

150+ Partner companies for Placements and internships

Mock interviews

Mock interviews

Learning cycle

What an inspiration to all!

Best in class mentors

Coding Blocks has some of the best mentors in the Industry who will remain by your side during your Preparation for teaching, guidance and assistance.

Your Code Buddies!

A wide network of TAs aka Teaching assistants, who are typical ex-students of Coding Blocks helps in Doubt resolution along with Mentors, through Video, Audio, Screen share and other media to ensure all your queries are addressed timely

Industry Coaches

Industry experts are guides currently working in Top companies like Google, Amazon, Microsoft and the like and they helps students with invaluable tips on the Industry, Hiring process, Mock interviews and other necessities required for paving the way into the Top Tech companies around the globe.

Tech Established Learning!

The e-learning portal is an in-house developed, state of the art application which uses the best of technology and resources to ensure all learners gain the maximum from their program. It provides immersive learning with suggestions and guidance to ensure even self learning is effective and fruitful. This portal allows learning through ebooks, videos, notes while allowing learners to attempt coding problems, MCQ assignments with attending live classes and asking doubts through chat and live video calling feature with mentors and TAs.

See what students have to say

Frequently Asked Questions

Learn and grow as a developer with our project based courses.

  • Coding Blocks has physical centers in Delhi and Noida. Classroom program batches are conducted in these physical centers where you learn in a class with your peers and mentors, much like the way you do in College or University with a difference that you get to have personal attention by the mentor. Batch size is extremely limited and Course completion is complete for all learners. This is the most successful program in terms of Success or placements.

  • Live interactive program is a perfect replacement to the Classroom program. In a live interactive course, classes are conducted in a controlled environment, where the mentor teaches and students can interact with the mentor, much like a classroom. The only difference is that the mentor is not physically present in front of you. This model allows you to learn from the mentor of your choice, transcending boundaries and is economical as compared to the Classroom program.

  • Self paced Online programs are guided learning courses driven by our state of the art e-learning portal. These programs carry the same legacy as our Classroom programs. In order to reinforce learning and assist students, we have made our Self paced Online programs “HYBRID”, meaning we have added Live classes of topics where we feel students need interaction with mentors. In addition, students can clear their doubts through Video calls or Chats with our mentors and TAs. If learners stay close to our centers, they can even visit our Physical centers and meet the mentors in person to resolve their doubts.

  • If you are facing trouble with any model and want to make a switch, please get in touch with the Coding Blocks Support team for assistance. If need be, we will help you transition from one model to another.

  • The three models of learning are very different in nature and suits different learners basis individual preferences. We would recommend you to connect to our counsellors who can guide you well on which program and model best suits your needs.

  • Doubts are addressed by your Mentors and Teaching assistants who are always there to help you in your program. Doubts can be addressed in person, over live video calls, live chats and screen sharing sessions, pair coding sessions, Slack channels and Whatsapp groups, in addition to our portal where your doubts are also addressed. Don’t worry, we got your back.

  • Once you complete your course, you need to apply for the position of TA in Coding Blocks. Your application will be screened, you will be interviewed and tested on Coding problems and then you will be roped in. As Coding Blocks alumni, you will get priority.

  • A dedicated Placement team along with Hiring Blocks, the placement portal of Coding Blocks work round the clock to ensure the best of opportunities in the Tech arena are available to you.There are more than 150 companies who have partnered with Coding Blocks for hiring our students.

  • Most of the learners at Coding Blocks are College students only. All our courses and curriculum, across Classroom, Live interactive and Online self paced models are created to ensure you can learn while studying in your college.

  • Yes, you will get Certificate of completion once you complete the course. Completion of course depends on how much content has been completed, together with how many assignments have been completed. If you are a dedicated and hard working learner, you can also bag our Certificate of excellence.

  • Our Alumni is our family. We definitely would be more than thrilled to have you back, as this is really common for us. And yes, we would be happy to offer you exciting concessions on fee. We would recommend you to connect to our counsellors who can guide you well on this.