Why should you do this course?
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Starting from ₹ 1200/-
Key Highlights
350+ Problems and 6 Live Projects
Covers Foundation, Basic and Advanced modules
4/6 Months Course
Certificate of Completion/Excellence
Progress tracking & Feedback
Placement assistance
Doubt support
Curriculum designed for beginners. No Coding experience required
- Welcome aboard
Welcome to the course - Flowcharts and Psuedocode
This helps you to understand how to convert logic and write it in the form of diagrammatic and textual way. - Basics of Programming
For any language the first and the most important thing to learn is the syntax, variables, loops, and conditionals. In this section, we will cover how to convert our logic to Java Code. - Operators in JAVA
To help you understand different types of operators such as Arithmetic, Compund assignment, Bitwise, and Logical operators. - Functions
In this section, you will learn to write code in a modular way to help you reuse the code in different C++ files and make it more readable and organized.
- Arrays
This is the one of most important data structure that is generally easy to understand but algorithms and concepts of this topic can be very tricky and it is asked in almost every tech company.
Algorithms such as Binary Search, Sorting, Maximum Subarrays, and Searching are must to do in order to get a good grasp of this topic. - Bitmasking
In this section, we will understand how Bitwise operators like AND, OR, XOR, and NOT to work on machine code to help write the programs that works faster, since computer understands machine code.
This concept is also very useful in Recursion as well as Dynamic programming advanced concepts. - Strings
It's an alternative to Character Array, Strings data type helps in handling string easier and faster.vIn depth understanding of this concept becomes easier after understanding OOPs concepts. - ArrayList
In Java, ArrayList class uses a dynamic array for storing the elements. It is like an array, but there is no size limit.
- Recursion Introduction
Inorder to understand Recursion we must understand Recursion, so this is what is focussed here i.e. write codes using Recursion.
It is used in Dynamic Programming and as well as in data structure such as Trees, Graphs, and Heap etc. - Deep Diving into recursion
In this section, we will start exploring how to form recurrence relations using problem statements and mainly discussing recursion on arrays and strings. - Recursion on Subsets
In this section, we will understand how to solve algorithms such as phone search and advanced concept of Knapsack that is mostly asked in Interviews. - Backtracking
It is the most important concept to understand in Recursion and it is thoroughly checked in Interviews and Technical Rounds. If one has to master recursion they need to master backtracking. - Time and Space Complexity
It helps us to compare the algorithms on the basis of Time and Space it takes to run the code and help us to master how to write codes by considering constraints of the problem.
- Object Oriented Programming
One of the most important topic to build data structures, this is not only used in every data structure but also help us to understand how to associate the real world with programming language. - Stack
It follows the principle of Last In and First Out, although this data structure can be easily understood but the concept of LIFO can be used to solve some typical problems such as Histogram Area, Stock Span, and Balanced Parantheses etc. - Queues
This data structure works just like a normal queue does and it is mainly used as a helping data structure in Trees and Graphs. - Linked List
In this topic we learn how to store data in a non-contiguous manner and we understand how the Linked List can work in a better time complexity that other data structures in some operations. - DeQueue
It will help you in the Interview questions based on Sliding Window.
- Binary Trees and Binary Search Trees
In this data structure, we learn how to store data in a hierarchical format. It is one of the most important topic from Interview point of view and questions from this topic is frequently asked in companies such as Amazon, Microsoft, Flipkart and Google etc. - Heap
This data structures helps you to understand how the infinite stream of data coming can be accessed to fetch the useful information, for example, find the most sold products on any website? - Hashmap
It helps us to understand how we can store, update and delete the data in constant time. It is majorly used in Dynamic Programming and Graphs to help us make the time complexities of the algorithms better. - Graphs
The most popular data structures in companies like Direct-i, Google, and Arcesium etc.
It is usually considered tough because of the dependency on other data strucutres such as queue, hashmaps, sets, and heap etc. but once you get a taste of how to apply these things together it will make you a better programmer. - Tries
It helps us to search in constant time and incase you want to use auto suggestions features of Amazon, Flipkart or other sites search bar this is the solution.
Many problems such as Maximum-Xor, and Maximum Sum etc. uses tries to help improve complexity of the problem.
- One Dimensional Dynamic Programming
We learn how we can improve the time complexities of Recursive algorithms drastically using concepts like Top Down approach. Also we convert out Top down approach to bottom up approach using the recurrence relation and DP concept, it's exactly what is required for the master DP. - Two Dimensional Dynamic Programming
The most important concepts of DP are Knapsack, Optimal Game strategy, and solving string problems using 2D storage there by improving their complexities multiple folds. - DP Algorithms
Knapsack, LCS, LIS, Matrix Chain Multiplication are amongst the topics/algorithms that one should know to crack top placements. - Greedy Algorithms
This is where you learn how being greedy can benefit you to solve certain problems in a faster way. The main point of focus here is to understand where we can apply Greedy over Dynamic Programming. - Java Collection Framework
The Collection in Java is a framework that provides an architecture to store and manipulate the group of objects. Java Collections can achieve all the operations that you perform on a data such as searching, sorting, insertion, manipulation, and deletion.
- Top Tech Company Questions
Practise from the most asked questions in companies such as Amazon, Facebook, Microsoft, LinkedIn, and Google etc. Become the programmer to crack any of your dream company. - Google, Amazon, GoJek, Flipkart, Uber, Amex Interview mantras
This will give you an idea of how you should prepare yourself for the final interviews and prepare yourself for everything that you may face during the placement process of any company.
- Browser
What happens when you hit the url on your browser ?What is system Design? Types of System Design HLD intro - Types of Design && Design Basics
LLD intro & SDLC Web App VS Website What is architecture - System types
Monoliths Distributed System LatencyThroughput - Android Components
Availability TIme Consistency - Characteristics
Availability Time Consistency - Storing Hot Data
Websockets & SSE Scaling Techniques Horizontal Scaling - Theorams
Redundancy && Replication Cap theorem Databases - Division of Data
DataBase optimization Partitioning Communication - Communication
Message Based communication Web Apps Rest Apis - Microservices
Microservices & architecture Web Servers && Protocols & App security Service - Design Problem
URL Shortener/ Pastebin Api Rate Limiter - Design Problem
Youtube Design Web Crawler - Design Problem
Drop Box Uber Backend Design - Design Problem
Twitter Instagram - Design Problem
Ticketmaster design
- Basic Of LLD
OOD && OOP Objects && CLASSES - Design Principles
OOP CONCEPTS Solid Principle - Design Principles
SRP Princripal O-C Principal - Design Principles
Livosik Principal - Design Principles
Integration Principal - Design Principles
Dependency Principal Problems - Patterns
Design Patterns - Design Problems
Case Studies - Coding using OOPs
Machine Coding
You can learn DSA using these popular options
You can learn Data structures and algorithms using either of these two popular options
Typically the first language of many and most commonly used language in first year of college, C++ is easy to start with and its code requires less time.
Check this courseJava
Java is platform independent and incomparable to any other Programming language in terms of widespread use.
Python is one of the easiest languages to start coding. Choose this if you are just about to start and look forward to quicker Web dev options using Django or want to excel in Data science or ML.
Check this course

Snakes Game
This project uses Arrays to build a very interesting Snake game

Splitwise App
This project uses concepts of DSA to build Splitwise App

Make your very own Sudoku solver with Backtracking

Travel Planner
Plan your travel when you build your own application by using Graphs

Use DP optimisation to build this all time favourite game and be a leader in your pack

Jump Froggy
Design your very own Frog game while using Greedy optimisation in DSA
Choose Batch
Classroom Batch


This course includes
350+ problems & 6 live projects
Covers Foundation, Basic and Advanced modules
5-6 months duration
Personal mentoring, progress tracking & Feedback
Certificate of Excellence/Completion
Priority Doubt Support
Placement assistance
Free Backpack
Free access to Online Course
Curriculum designed for beginners. No Coding experience required
Live Batch


This course includes
60+ Live interactive lectures
350+ problems & 6 live projects
Curriculum designed for beginners. No Coding experience required
Covers Foundation, Basic and Advanced modules
Personal mentoring, progress tracking & Feedback
Certificate of Excellence/Completion
Placement assistance
Free access to Online Course
Priority Doubt Support
4-5 months duration
Online Batch

Garima Chhikara

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Garima Chhikara

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Kartik Sapra

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Kartik Sapra

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Rishabh Kapoor

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Rishabh Kapoor

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Aarnav Jindal

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Aarnav Jindal

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Why choose Coding Blocks
Learn and grow as a developer with our project based courses.

Superb mentors
Best in class mentors from top Tech schools and Industry favourite Techies are here to teach you.

Industry-vetted curriculum
Best in class content, aligned to the Tech industry is delivered to you to ensure you are a darling of the Tech industry.

Project based learning
Hands on learning pedagogy with live projects to cover practical knowledge over theoretical one.
Superb placements
Result oriented courses with placement across all genres, students as well as Working professionals.
Inspirational Success stories of CB Alumni
where hard work and determination meets victory!

“I knew Coding Blocks from my early college days and when it came to becoming a Top programmer, I only trusted the best.
This place is literally like a family. I love the pedagogy and focus on Project based learning.
The Mentors are so awesome and literally guide you so well that the entire pathway becomes crystal clear.
The content is also se well prepared that it covers everything you would ever need to become a top coder. This basically is the best of everything bought together at one place.
Big fan and so proud that I am a CB’ian for life.”

“Coding Blocks is the best choice I made in my career.
I always dreamt of making it to the Tech bigwigs and after having a discussion with one of the mentors at Coding Blocks, I decided that I will go with them.
Everyone here is so brilliant, passionate and focussed.
Coding Blocks helped me in becoming an ace coder and then with Mock coding rounds and experienced Industry coaches telling us how to crack various companies.
Wish Coding Blocks all the success in future, big thanks.”

“Coding Blocks is the best place to learn coding.
You can feel learning flowing in the air in this place. The way Coding is taught is brilliant, no stress, competitive environment, lots and lots of content and brilliant mentors for students.
Kartik sir is extremely humble and such a brilliant mentor. While learning to code, you see you fault areas, you always have access to Mentors and TAs for doubts, you see your progress live, I must say the way CB has used technology to build the portal and the way they are using it is also impressive. No doubt, so many students realise their dreams of getting into Tech bigwigs after learning from CB.
Kudos to the great and untiring effort of the entire team.”

“Choosing Coding Blocks has been one of the best decisions of my life.
I could easy realise this when I first had a talk with my mentor. Teaching methodology, assignments, hackathons, doubt resolution, everything was beyond compare.
We were pushed to explore our limits and this shows us in the success we achieve.
A big thanks to Coding Blocks and Kartik Mathur sir for everything.”

“Guidance is the most important aspect in success of an individual. One incorrect path you take and it takes years to correct.
At Coding Blocks, you get the most genuine advice on not just what to do but also how to do along with all the resources and CB stays with you till you are a winner.
It is so good to be in touch with such a great community of super energetic people, all striving towards excellence.
I must say CB has a big role to play in my journey and CB rocks!!”

Still in doubt? We are here to help you out!
Top placements from these programs 

Placement assistance
A dedicated Placement team along with Hiring Blocks, the placement portal of Coding Blocks work round the clock to ensure the best of opportunities in the Tech arena are available to you.

Developer CV and Dev profile Preparation

Interview Preparation

150+ Partner companies for Placements and internships

Mock interviews
Learning cycle
What an inspiration to all!
Coding Blocks has some of the best mentors in the Industry who will remain by your side during your Preparation for teaching, guidance and assistance.

Monu KumarSenior Instructor and Product engineer

LakshayInstructor and Product engineer

Your Code Buddies!
A wide network of TAs aka Teaching assistants, who are typical ex-students of Coding Blocks helps in Doubt resolution along with Mentors, through Video, Audio, Screen share and other media to ensure all your queries are addressed timely

Industry Coaches
Industry experts are guides currently working in Top companies like Google, Amazon, Microsoft and the like and they helps students with invaluable tips on the Industry, Hiring process, Mock interviews and other necessities required for paving the way into the Top Tech companies around the globe.

Tech Established Learning!
The e-learning portal is an in-house developed, state of the art application which uses the best of technology and resources to ensure all learners gain the maximum from their program. It provides immersive learning with suggestions and guidance to ensure even self learning is effective and fruitful. This portal allows learning through ebooks, videos, notes while allowing learners to attempt coding problems, MCQ assignments with attending live classes and asking doubts through chat and live video calling feature with mentors and TAs.
See what students have to say

Manali Biswas
My mentor taught a lot of concepts very well in such a short time. He also solved my doubts even after the course completion. I really loved to solve each question in the class and also those that were given as homework. This course really gave me a head start to my coding journey. I remember the day when I was just travelling somewhere when I spotted the Dwarka center. I never knew it would play such a big role in my learning process. Thanks a lot to Coding Blocks!

Simarpreet Sikka
Coding Blocks has helped me develop strong base in competitive programming. Algo++ and CP bootcamp helped me crack Tech Giant Microsoft with much ease.

Shadma Siddiqui
Coding Blocks is the best place to strengthen your concepts in programming and the course content is structured in a very proper way. Also, the environment will keep you motivated throughout. The TA support will help you whenever you are stuck. The one thing i loved the most was the way how my mentor cleared our concepts. No matter how many doubts you have they are always available to your support from online to offline. If it were'nt for Coding Blocks I would not be placed this early. Thank you CODING BLOCKS!!

Aman Bansal
I really enjoyed the environment CB provided. Not only was I intrigued by the depth of knowledge of the people at CB but I was also pushed and motivated to learn things to the same level as them. I also took the Online Competitive Coding course which certainly was the course that got me through the GS interview and Online Rounds. I can't thank my mentors enough for creating such an awesome course. I can't help but say that CB helped me raise the bar which I had set for myself when it comes to coding and learning.

Srishti Kohli
I'm extremely thankful to Coding Blocks for making competitive coding a cakewalk! My mentors were wonderful teachers and mentors. The course content is clear and complete. I will forever be grateful for the guidance.

Rajat Gupta
Coding Blocks has always helped me connect with talented people around. As a campus superhero, I have been in touch with my mentors, both of whom have never failed to guide me and my peers in achieving the best!

My coding journey started at Coding Blocks. I was a student of Launchpad C++ course and it helped me in grabbing a great understanding of data structures and algorithms and improved my problem solving skills as well. I'd like to thank Coding Blocks for all the help and support :)

Dhruv Agarwal
If you have time for only 1 course to pick, go for interview prep. Skills acquired to time spent ratio is amazing. Thanks to my mentors and the team I was able to crack the majority of online rounds and interviews. The teaching style of them made me understand DSA effortlessly.

Anshuman Diwaker
I had an amazing time learning Data Structures and Algorithms(JAVA) at Coding Blocks. The mentorship and curriculum covered by my mentor was excellent. I would revert back to the lectures every time i needed to revise my concepts again. Concepts taught in JAVA were also very useful during my Internship. Thus it was a great learning curve for me.

Dhriti Saini
I built my foundation of Data Structures and Algorithms during the Launchpad C++ course which helped me develop interest in coding and problem solving. Thank you to the CB mentors who guided us.

Dhiraj Kumar Jain
The course made my basics very clear and the assignments and questions gave him ample practice for the interviews . I am very much thankful to my mentor for his guidance and continued support . The techniques explained my him in the course proved very much helpful to me in the interviews . I am thankful to Coding Blocks for making such a course which helped me ace in my interviews.

Anshul Mittal
Coding Blocks helped in gaining enough experience to get internships at giants like Google and Rubrik.
Frequently Asked Questions
Learn and grow as a developer with our project based courses.
I do not know coding and I am planning to learn how to code. Is this course good for me?
This course starts from the basics and does not expect its learners to be versed with coding previously. If you are an absolute beginner with no prior experience or exposure to coding, you can definitely go for this course.
I have just entered in my first year in college and will start learning programming. Should I take this course?
This course starts with Introduction to coding, tells you logic, its implementation, covers puzzles, then pseudo-code and then moves to basics of coding. Gradually, this takes the learners from basics to advanced concepts, covers Data structures and algorithms in much details and then covers Interview and placement questions. This course covers more than 350 questions to ensure you become a Pro-coder. To start the course, you do not need to know anything about coding, if you are an absolute beginner, this course is for you.
I have my Placements coming and I need to prepare myself for them. Should I take this course?
Whatever you cover in this course is good for you to become an expert in Data structures and algorithms. These concepts are typically tested in all major Hiring drives. With more than 350 questions, which also include Interview based questions, you are sure to get on the path to grab the Tech job in your dream company.
I know basics of coding and I want to focus on learning Data structures and algorithms. Should I take this course?
This course starts from the basics and delves all the way into Data structures and algorithms, taking the learners through more than 350 coding problems. If you know the basics, you can invariably skip the basics and right away jump on to the topics where you feel you can start.
What is Classroom program?
Coding Blocks has physical centers in Delhi and Noida. Classroom program batches are conducted in these physical centers where you learn in a class with your peers and mentors, much like the way you do in College or University with a difference that you get to have personal attention by the mentor. Batch size is extremely limited and Course completion is complete for all learners. This is the most successful program in terms of Success or placements.
What is Live interactive program?
Live interactive program is a perfect replacement to the Classroom program. In a live interactive course, classes are conducted in a controlled environment, where the mentor teaches and students can interact with the mentor, much like a classroom. The only difference is that the mentor is not physically present in front of you. This model allows you to learn from the mentor of your choice, transcending boundaries and is economical as compared to the Classroom program.
What is Online Self paced program?
Self paced Online programs are guided learning courses driven by our state of the art e-learning portal. These programs carry the same legacy as our Classroom programs. In order to reinforce learning and assist students, we have made our Self paced Online programs “HYBRID”, meaning we have added Live classes of topics where we feel students need interaction with mentors. In addition, students can clear their doubts through Video calls or Chats with our mentors and TAs. If learners stay close to our centers, they can even visit our Physical centers and meet the mentors in person to resolve their doubts.
I took Online Self paced program but now I feel I need to switch to Classroom program because that is how I have been always learning. Can I shift my batch from one mode to another?
If you are facing trouble with any model and want to make a switch, please get in touch with the Coding Blocks Support team for assistance. If need be, we will help you transition from one model to another.
I took Master Data structures and algorithms in C++ but now feel that the same program in Java is better. Can I make this switch?
If you are facing this trouble, we would recommend you to connect to our counsellors who can guide you well on which program and model best suits your needs. If need be, we will help you transition from one course to another.
I am confused on which mode of learning to opt, Classroom, Live interactive or Online?
The three models of learning are very different in nature and suits different learners basis individual preferences. We would recommend you to connect to our counsellors who can guide you well on which program and model best suits your needs.
I will have doubts while studying. How are they addressed?
Doubts are addressed by your Mentors and Teaching assistants who are always there to help you in your program. Doubts can be addressed in person, over live video calls, live chats and screen sharing sessions, pair coding sessions, Slack channels and Whatsapp groups, in addition to our portal where your doubts are also addressed. Don’t worry, we got your back.
How can I get Teaching Assistant (TA) role after completing my course with Coding Blocks?
Once you complete your course, you need to apply for the position of TA in Coding Blocks. Your application will be screened, you will be interviewed and tested on Coding problems and then you will be roped in. As Coding Blocks alumni, you will get priority.
How can I get Placement and Internship assistance from Coding Blocks?
A dedicated Placement team along with Hiring Blocks, the placement portal of Coding Blocks work round the clock to ensure the best of opportunities in the Tech arena are available to you.There are more than 150 companies who have partnered with Coding Blocks for hiring our students.
I am studying in College and planning to do this course? Will I be able to cope up with the Work load?
Most of the learners at Coding Blocks are College students only. All our courses and curriculum, across Classroom, Live interactive and Online self paced models are created to ensure you can learn while studying in your college.
Will I get Certificate of completion after this course?
Yes, you will get Certificate of completion once you complete the course. Completion of course depends on how much content has been completed, together with how many assignments have been completed. If you are a dedicated and hard working learner, you can also bag our Certificate of excellence.
I have already done a course from Coding Blocks. Am I eligible to get some discounts as an Alumni?
Our Alumni is our family. We definitely would be more than thrilled to have you back, as this is really common for us. And yes, we would be happy to offer you exciting concessions on fee. We would recommend you to connect to our counsellors who can guide you well on this.