Benefits of our OA Prep Bootcamp
Problems from Top Platforms
24/7 Doubt Support
Placement-Focused Curriculum
Company-Aligned Mock Tests
Tailored for Product-Based Roles.
Leetcode and Codeforces Profile
About OA Prep Bootcamp
- While DSA covers the theoretical foundation, this course is specifically designed to prepare students for the types of questions and challenges they will face in online assessments, including coding tests for placements and internship interviews.
- Course will provide structured sessions that will accelerate the learning process, logical skills and help students quickly identify and improve their weak areas.
- Instructors with industry experience will provide insights, tips, and strategies that are not typically covered in standard DSA courses, giving students a competitive edge.
- Regular assignments and mock assessments simulating the actual test environment to make you ready for your college placements/internships, allowing students to practice under timed conditions and receive feedback to fine-tune their approach.
- Successful completion demonstrates a commitment to continuous learning and self-improvement, this will make candidates more attractive to potential employers.
- To Elevate Student’s Skills for Online Assessments.
- Increase the placement and internship chances, to crack assessments and interviews.
Strengthen student’s Skills in 3 level learning format.
- Level 1: To make your ready to crack companies such as
- Level 1: To make your ready to crack companies such as
- Level 1: To make your ready to crack companies such as
- Regular assignments and mock assessments simulating the actual test environment to make you ready for your college placements/internships, allowing students to practice under timed conditions and receive feedback to fine-tune their approach.
- Successful completion demonstrates a commitment to continuous learning and self-improvement, this will make candidates more attractive to potential employers.
Schedule : weekends (Sat & Sun)
Syllabus to make you Industry Ready!
- Basic Algorithms
Linear Search, Binary Search, Two pointers, Ternary Search, Sorting, Basic Recursion, Simple Recursive Tree Traversals, Pigeonhole Principle, Prefix Sum, Sliding Window - Basic Data Structures
Strings, Linked Lists, Stacks and Queues - STL
Policy Based STL, Ordered Map, Queue, hashmap, list, Priority Queue Heap, Vector, Set Multiset, Stack - Math
GCD, LCM, Sieve of Erastosthenes, Basic Modular Arithmetic ( not inverse), Catalan Number - Greedy
- Dynamic Programming
Knapsack Problems, Longest Common Subsequence (LCS) Problems, Longest Increasing Subsequence (LIS) Problems, Coin Change (DP Approach) Problems, Edit Distance Problems - Graph
Graph Representation:(Adjacency Matrix, Adjacency List, Edge List), BFS, DFS, Daimeter of a tree
- Intermediate Data Structures
Heaps and Priority Queues, Hashing (Hash Maps, Hash Sets), Binary Search Trees (BSTs), Trees - Graph Theory
Dijkstra's Algorithm, Floyd-Warshall Algorithm, Bellman Ford Algorithm, Connected Components, Topological Sorting (Kahn's and DFS based), Cycle Detection: Undirected Graphs (DFS-based detection), Cycle Detection: Directed Graphs (using DFS and the concept of back edges), Union-Find/Disjoint Set Union (DSU):Path Compression,Union by Rank, Minimum Spanning Trees (Kruskal, Prim) - Dynamic Programming
DP on Trees, Rod Cutting Problem, Partition Problems, Matrix Chain Multiplication:, DP based on state formation and transition - Bit Manipulation
Bitwise Operators, Counting Set Bits, Bit Masking - Greedy
Huffman Coding, Job Sequencing Problem, Meeting Rooms - Number Theory
Modular Exponentiation, Chinese Remainder Theorem, Euler’s Totient Function, Fermat's Little Theorem - Permutations and Combinations
- Advanced Data Structures
Segment Trees (Range query and range updation and lazy), Trie, Fenwick Trees - Strings
KMP Algorithm, Rabin-Karp Algorithm, Z Algorithm, Manacher’s Algorithm - Games Theory
Nim Game, Grundy Numbers, Sprague-Grundy Theorem - Advanced Graph Theory
LCA (Lowest Common Ancestor): Binary Lifting, Euler Tour and RMQ (Range Minimum Query) approach, Strongly Connected Components (Tarjan's Algorithm), Articulation Points and Bridges, Eulerian Path and Circuit, Network Flow (Ford-Fulkerson, Edmonds-Karp) - Advanced Dynamic programming
DP with Bitmasking, Binary Search DP, DP on Graphs, Digit DP, DP with Combinatorics, DP Optimization Techniques (Convex Hull Trick, Divide and Conquer Optimization) - Probability
Conditional probability, Expectation - Geometry
Convex Hull, Line Intersection, Closest Pair of Points
Snakes Game
This project uses Arrays to build a very interesting Snake game
Splitwise App
This project uses concepts of DSA to build Splitwise App
Make your very own Sudoku solver with Backtracking
Travel Planner
Plan your travel when you build your own application by using Graphs
Use DP optimisation to build this all time favourite game and be a leader in your pack
Jump Froggy
Design your very own Frog game while using Greedy optimisation in DSA