Land your dream job!

Career Bootcamp

For Working Professionals



For the COHORT starting on 28th July 2024


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Course Duration
6 Months

Assured Job Switch

Avg CTC 16 LPA

Why Choose Career Bootcamp For Professionals?

To make you

industry-ready. tech-ready. placement-ready.

System Design


For anyone to crack a good product based company one needs to master DSA.
You need DSA to understand how to manipulate data & apply an algorithm.
You will learn how to approach a question and decipher the best optimised approach to a given problem statement.

You will not only solve 500+ questions during this module but will build your Coding profile too.

SpringBoot LOGO


Learning the springboot can be beneficial for web developers because it is a highly popular and widely used technology stack in industry that is used for building web applications. It provides a fast, efficient, and scalable way to develop web applications. Additionally, it is an open-source stack that has a large community and a wealth of resources available for learning and development. With its flexibility, robustness, and ease of use, the springboot stack is a highly used in industry for building web applications across different industries and sectors.

In this you will not only learn to build web applications but will create 10+ projects during this module along with Capstone project.

System Design MERN LOGO

System Design & DevOps

Learning system design and DevOps can be beneficial for software developers because it provides a deeper understanding of how software systems work, how to design scalable and resilient systems, and how to automate the deployment and maintenance of those systems.

Machine Coding round is an extremely important round to crack any tech company. In these modules we focus on LLD and HLD it help you clear almost every Interview for experienced working professional along with DevOps tools like Git, AWS, CI/CD Pipeline, Jenkins, Maven, Docker, Nagios and more.


Core and Advanced Java

In tech companies, mastering Core and Advanced Java is important, you'll gain proficiency in tackling complex challenges with optimized solutions. Building hands-on projects for career advancement in the competitive tech industry.


React JS

ReactJS empowers you with capabilities for building dynamic user interfaces and scalable web applications. Through it, you'll grasp advanced concepts like component-based architecture, state management, and virtual DOM manipulation. By delving into ReactJS, you'll learn best ways to solve frontend challenges.


Master AI Tools Program

AI tools will act like gadget in your skillset. It can help a developer to write quality code in less time, delpoy it and even generate PR requests.

About Career Bootcamp Program

Why choose this Career Bootcamp?
What are the learning objectives of this Bootcamp?
What is the Career Bootcamp course fee?
What to expect from this LIVE Career Bootcamp Course?
Course duration and what if I miss a class?
What all topics/projects this Bootcamp will cover?
Why should I not join any other program over yours?
What all modules are there and their duration?
Firstly, you need to know that according to Stack Overflow’s Annual Research 2023, Java is still among the top skills to learn for a developer.

It is extremely popular amongst developers, and its framework, Spring Boot, is really in demand in the current industry for building Java-based applications. Many top product-based companies and even startups like Flipkart, PayU, MMT, Expedia, Wayfair, etc. have tons of projects based on Spring Boot, providing up to 200–300% growth in your CTC.

It not only reduces developer efforts but also increases productivity. In industry, it is in high demand, be it in terms of the number of jobs, package, or other perks associated with the job. Even the World Economics Forum report states the rising demand for skills in problem solving and logical thinking.

It clearly states that
  1. Average 15% of a company’s workforce is at risk of disruption in the horizon up to 2025.
  2. 'Jobs of Tomorrow'—the surging demand for workers who can fill green economy jobs, roles at the forefront of the data and AI economy, as well as new roles in engineering, cloud computing, and product development.
To ensure that you don’t face a backlash from this as well, we are introducing an AI Master tool programme to help you increase your productivity and use the advanced AI tools as gadgets for securing your job.

Now that companies have changed the hiring pattern, it isn’t what it used to be before. One of the most important rounds nowadays is the machine cooling round. To ensure that you can clear this round flawlessly, we have incorporated very exhaustive content on HLD and LLD, which are parts of system design.

Since this is for IT professionals, we have also made sure that you don’t get stuck in interviews on certain important concepts such as AWS, Docker, Kubernetes, the CI/CD pipeline, etc. Of course, the backbone of all DSA would also be taught to you in depth so that you are ready with all the skills in your skillset.

So, this is all going to be taught in a live setting by highly experienced industry mentors with real-world projects.
It is all you are going to need and all in one place, and it will definitely help you in your career growth.
This program is specifically tailored to individuals employed within organizations seeking to transition to higher roles or explore opportunities in other organizations, particularly targeting positions such as SDE-II/III. By the end of this programme, students will acquire an exhaustive skill set highly valued in the tech industry, primarily focusing on areas such as DSA, SpringBoot, System Design (HLD and LLD), OS, Networking, ReactJS, and DevOps.

Unlike learning a programming language, or DSA, mastering these technologies requires a different approach. Therefore, our programme focuses on providing hands-on experience through real-world projects, individual assignments, and team hackathons. Additionally, regular discussion sessions will be held to provide feedback on the things that you can improve or where you feel stuck in the development of projects, ensuring continuous progress throughout the learning journey.

Whether your goal is to transition to product-based companies or advance within your current organization, this programme empowers you with the knowledge and expertise necessary to thrive in today's competitive tech environment.

For the past decade we have trained more than 225k+ students and working professionals too, so don't worry at any point of time, you need any help.
The fee for the Career Bootcamp course amounts to Rs. 69,999 (exclusive of taxes).

You would be able to pay the fees via no-cost EMI plans, which are available for 3, 6, 9 and 12 months, using which you can pay the fees via easy EMI (installations).

Contact us by dialling our toll-free number, 1800-274-4504 or 9999579111, to avail this payment option.
Our Career Bootcamp for Working Professionals is designed to equip individuals from technical backgrounds, currently employed in SDE/Technical roles of any company, with the skills needed to thrive in various range of companies, starting from high-paying startups or companies like Expedia, PayU, Groww, MMT, or top-notch product-based companies like Flipkart, Microsoft, etc.

Over the course of 6 months, you will undergo comprehensive training in Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA), Core Java, React, Web Development, Spring Boot, and Artificial Intelligence (AI). Our curriculum consists of hands-on learning with real-world projects, ensuring that you gain practical skills that are directly applicable in the workplace.

You might also think of DEVIN as your competitor, but we will guide you on how to use AI tools as a gadget to increase your efficiency and make your development journey more comfortable.

Upon completing the course, you can anticipate a significant upskilling in your technical proficiency, making you highly competitive in the job market.

Our dedicated placement assistance programme will support you in securing lucrative job opportunities in product-based companies, with an average placement package of 16 LPA.
The Career Bootcamp course can be completed in around 6–8 months, because there might be some projects that you might need time to work on in the course.
There will be a total of three classes per week that will be conducted on weekends plus one weekday.

We will also provide you with recordings of the live sessions on our portal. In case you miss any lecture, you can easily complete it later on or if you want to revise some topics.

  1. Data Structures and Algorithms
  2. Recursion & Backtracking and Complexities
  3. Data Structures and Intro to Oops
  4. Advanced Data Structures
  5. Dynamic Programming(DP) and Greedy/String Algorithms
  6. Operating Systems and Networking Database SQL
  7. Low-Level Design (LLD)
  8. High-Level Design (HLD)
  9. HLD-Case Studies
  10. Java Core
  11. Java Fundamentals
  12. Advanced Java Concepts
  13. Java Advanced Features and Integration
  14. Spring Boot
  15. Master AI Tools

  1. Splitwise
  2. E- Commerce
  3. Cache System
  4. Vending Machine
  5. Review System
  6. Design Leetcode
  7. True Caller
  8. Food Ordering App
  9. Enhanced Text Extractor Tool
  10. Dashboard Analytics for Github users and repositories
Apart from this you'll make your own projects too, where we will guide you through the process of building a project from scratch and if you get stuck then 1-1 sessions for discussion.
We know what the industry needs and what you need to learn to get into the industry. We'll be teaching you the skills that are in demand and with the help of our mentors, you'll be able to crack the interviews and get placed in the best companies.

Moreover, our top mentors have 8+ years of experience in teaching and guiding students, and they would be the ones guiding you and helping you crack the interviews.

We will ensure that you do not learn spoon feeding, but rather LEARN WHAT THE INDUSTRY EXPECTS OF YOU.
To resolve your doubts you'll the discussion session with the mentors of this program directly and with teaching assistants.

Another important part is MAXIMUM 50 students/batch that are also shortlisted in a way that all the students of the batch get the competitive environment to learn and grow.

WE believe placements are based on these 3 things:
  1. Consistency: We believe you'll bring this to the table and stay focussed.
  2. Knowledge: This is what we will help you with.
  3. Luck: Nobody can control it. So, focus on above two, that's why we say
    WE TRUST YOU; WE TRUST US; and that is what is sufficient :)
Now what are you waiting for?
Register for the test and give us a chance to help shape your career.
The program will consist of the following modules.
  1. Module 1: DSA, Operating System, Networking, DBMS (2 Months)
  2. Module 2: LLD + HLD (2 Month)
  3. Module 3: Advanced Java + Core Java + AI Tools (2 Months)
  4. Module 4: Spring boot and Devops (1 Months)
  5. Module 5: React JS (1 Month)
That would be the total duration of 6-8 months for this bootcamp.

Overview of your journey at Coding Blocks!


In this we will cover all the important questions and topics that will help you crack almost every Online Assessment/Technical round.
You will not only learn how to master various data structures, also how to build your logic to figure out the most optimised algorithm.


You will acquire the best techniques to become proficient in website development using MERN. This module will help you build your own website from scratch. Understanding the flow of a website is crucial during the development phase, this module will make your journey easy for developer roles.

Interview Preparation

Build coding platforms profile, Learn most important techniques and tackle top companies questions, and practice in timed environment. You'll unlock your potential and become your best self in this module.

Designs & DevOps

In this we will learn Low level Design and High Level Design to master design based interview rounds. These two modules will help you clear almost every Interview for experienced working professional along with DevOps tools like Git, AWS, CI/CD Pipeline, Jenkins, Maven, Docker, Nagios and more.

DSA in Java

In this we will cover all the important questions and topics that will help you crack almost every Online Assessment/Technical round. You will not only learn how to master various data structures, also how to build your logic to figure out the most optimised algorithm.

System Design(LLD + HLD)

You will acquire the best techniques to become proficient in website development using MERN. This module will help you build your own website from scratch.

Database SQL

Build coding platforms profile, Learn most important techniques and tackle top companies questions, and practice in timed environment. You'll unlock your potential and become your best self in this module.

Designs & DevOps (1 Month)

In this we will learn Low level Design and High Level Design to master design based interview rounds. These two modules will help you clear almost every Interview for experienced working professional along with DevOps tools like Git, AWS, CI/CD Pipeline, Jenkins, Maven, Docker, Nagios and more.

Your Learning Journey at Career Bootcamp!


Module 1 2 Months

  • DSA
  • Operating System
  • Networking
  • DBMS
  • Module 2 2 Months

  • LLD
  • HLD
  • Module 3 2 Months

  • Advanced Java
  • Core Java
  • AI Tools
  • Module 4 1 Month

  • Spring Bootboot
  • Devops
  • Module 5 1 Month

  • React JS
  • Companies that hire spring boot developer


    Syllabus to make you Industry Ready!

    • Arrays
      Two Pointers, Binary Search, Divide and Conquer, Matrix, Sorting, Bit manipulation, Sliding Window, Prefix and Suffix Sum, Rotation and Reversal, Kadane's Algorithm, Prime Sieve, Manacher’s Algorithm, Quick, Merge, Insertion, Selection, Bubble, Counting sort, KMP, Z’s, Rabin Karp, Moore’s Voting Algorithm
    • Linked List
      Sorting Algorithms, Finding Intersection, Merging Multiple Linked Lists, Reverse Algorithms, K-Reverse, Reverse Linked List(Data and Pointers Method), Cycle Detection Algorithm(Floyd’s Cycle Detection)
    • Stack and Queue
      Min and Max Stack in O(1) space, Next greater/smaller element, Largest Area in Histogram, Celebrity Problem, Deque
    • Trees
      In order, Pre order, Post order and Level Order(Recursive ways) traversals, Morris traversals(In, Pre and Post order iterative ways), Vertical and Zigzag, Diameter - O(N), Balanced Tree - O(N), Height, Deletion in Trees, Conversion Trees to Linked List, Print views(Top, Down, Left, Right, Zig-Zag), Lowest Common Ancestor, Path Sum Iterations
    • Priority Queue and Maps
      Heapify working, Height of complete binary tree, Most Important Interview Questions, Meeting Rooms, Merge K Linked Lists/Arrays, Finding Min and Max Elements, Median of Infinite Running Stream Numbers, Find K largest/smallest elements/pairs, Collision handling schemes maps, Ordered v/s Unordered Map
    • Graphs and Tries
      BFS and DFS, Traversals: BFT and DFT, Topological Sorting, Bellman Ford, Tries and its questions like Max Xor Pair etc.
    • Recursion
      Basic Questions, Recursion on Arrays, Recursion on Strings, Recursion Grid Based, Recursion on Subsets, Backtracking, Classic Problems like :Chessboard problems: N-Queen/ N-Knight, Rat in Maze, Sudoku Solver, Permutations, Phone Keypad.
    • Dynamic Programming
      Basics of DP like Top down, Bottom Up, Relation between Recursion and DP, 1-D and 2-D DP, Important concepts like: Coin Change, Knapsack, Inclusion and Exclusion, LIS, LCS, Rod Cutting, Edit Distance, Staircase Problem, Chessboard Problems, House Robber
    • OOPS Concept
      Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming, Classes and Objects, Encapsulation, Inheritance, Polymorphism, Abstraction
    • JVM, JRE, JDK, and Memory Management
      Java Virtual Machine (JVM) Overview, Java Runtime Environment (JRE) vs. Java Development Kit (JDK), Memory Management in Java.
    • Exception Handling in Java
      TBasics of Exception Handling, Exception Types: Checked and Unchecked, Try-Catch Blocks, Finally Block, Throw and Throws Keywords
    • Multi-Threading
      Introduction to Multi-Threading, Thread Creation and Management, Synchronization and Thread Safety.
    • Java I/O and Reflection
      Input and Output Streams, File Handling in Java, Introduction to Reflection: Dynamically Examining and Modifying Classes.
    • Collection Framework and Concurrent Package
      Collection Interfaces and Classes, List, Set, Map Implementations, Introduction to Concurrent Programming in Java.
    • Generics in Java and Java 8 Features
      Introduction to Generics, Type Safety and Parameterized Types, Overview of Java 8 Features: Lambdas, Streams, Optional, etc.
    • Java 9 and Upcoming Features
      Java 9 Modules System, Enhancements in Java 9, Overview of Upcoming Features.
    • JDBC and Internationalization
      Java Database Connectivity (JDBC), Basics of Database Access in Java, Introduction to Internationalization (i18n) in Java.
    • Hibernate
      Introduction to Hibernate Framework, Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) Concepts, Hibernate Architecture and Configuration.
    • Project Development
      User Service and Token Management, Deployment of User Service on GCP/AWS, Integration of Advanced Java Concepts in Project Implementation.
    • Introduction To SpringBoot
      Overview of Spring Boot Framework, Features and Advantages of Spring Boot, Spring Boot vs. Traditional Spring Framework.
    • Spring Boot Basics
      Setting up a Spring Boot Application, Spring Boot Starter Projects, Spring Boot Auto-Configuration.
    • Dependency Injection and Spring Beans
      Dependency Injection (DI) in Spring Boot, Configuring Spring Beans, @Autowired and @Component Annotations.
    • Building RESTful APIs with Spring Boot
      Introduction to RESTful Web Services, Creating RESTful APIs with Spring Boot, Handling HTTP Requests and Responses.
    • Spring Boot MVC
      Model-View-Controller (MVC) Architecture, Creating Controllers, Views, and Models in Spring Boot, Request Mapping and Controller Advice.
    • Spring Boot Data Access
      Integration of Spring Data with Spring Boot, CRUD Operations with Spring Data JPA, Database Configuration in Spring Boot.
    • Spring Boot Security
      Introduction to Spring Security, Securing Spring Boot Applications, .
    • Spring Boot Actuator and Monitoring
      Monitoring and Managing Spring Boot Applications, Actuator Endpoints and Metrics, Customizing Actuator in Spring Boot.
    • Spring Boot Testing
      Unit Testing and Integration Testing in Spring Boot, Testing Controllers, Services, and Repositories, Using MockMvc and @SpringBootTest.
    • Spring Boot Microservices
      Introduction to Microservices Architecture, Building Microservices with Spring Boot, Communication between Microservices.
    • Spring Boot Deployment
      Packaging and Deploying Spring Boot Applications, Deployment Strategies: Embedded Tomcat vs. External Containers, Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) with Spring Boot.
    • Spring Boot Cloud Integration
      Integration of Spring Boot with Spring Cloud, Service Discovery, Configuration Management, and Circuit Breaker Patterns in Spring Boot, Deploying Spring Boot Applications on Cloud Platforms like AWS, GCP, or Azure.
    • Welcome aboard
      Welcome to the course
    • Browser
      What happens when you hit the url on your browser ?What is system Design? Types of System Design HLD intro
    • Types of Design && Design Basics
      LLD intro & SDLC Web App VS Website What is architecture
    • System types
      Monoliths Distributed System LatencyThroughput.
    • Android Components
      Availability Time Consistency
    • Characteristics
      Availability Time Consistency
    • Storing Hot Data
      Websockets & SSE Scaling Techniques Horizontal Scaling
    • Theorams
      Redundancy && Replication Cap theorem Databases
    • Division of Data
      DataBase optimization Partitioning Communication
    • Communication
      Message Based communication Web Apps Rest Apis
    • Microservices
      Microservices & architecture Web Servers && Protocols & App security Service
    • Design Problem
      URL Shortener/ Pastebin Api Rate Limiter.
    • Design Problem
      Youtube Design Web Crawler
    • Design Problem
      Drop Box Uber Backend Design
    • Design Problem
      Twitter Instagram
    • Design Problem
      Ticketmaster design
    • Basic Of LLD
    • OOPS
      OOD && OOP Objects && CLASSES
    • Design Principles
      OOP CONCEPTS Solid Principle
    • Design Principles
      SRP Princripal O-C Principal
    • Design Principles
      Livosik Principal
    • Design Principles
      Integration Principal
    • Design Principles
      Dependency Principal Problems
    • Patterns
      Design Patterns
    • Design Problems
      Case Studies
    • Coding using OOPs
      Machine Coding.
    • Introduction to React.js
      Introduction to React js - import export, , template literals Single page apps, CSR vs SSR ( universal apps , isomorphic apps ) How react works, Webpack - Webpack and babel Hierarchy, Events Handling in Reactjs - Creating pages using React, Events handling and state.
    • Deep Diving into React.js
      Components in Reactjs - Component driven approach, Break page into component , Smart vs dumb component, Props - Props, Lists and keys, NPM & Router, Component lifecycle - Component lifecycle, Hooks, Proptypes.
    • React.Js hooks
      React JS in Depth - 1 - Hooks(useState, useEffect, useRef, useReducer and creating custom hooks), React JS in Depth - 2 - Understanding Keys, Fragments, and DB connections).
    • Redux
      React JS - Redux - Learning Redux basics, Advanced Redux - Advanced Redux(Async Code, Handling Http requests, fetching data).
    • Deployment and Capstone Project
      React JS Deployment - React Lazy Loading, firebase-deployment, Starting with NodeJS Project-2 - Food Ordering Classes(React JS).
    • About Next.Js
      Next.js Introduction - Getting Started with NextJS, Understanding NextJS Architecture, Routings & Dynamic Routings, Data Fetching(getInitialProps, getServerSideProbps, useSwr etc.)
    • Networking Basics
      Application Layer, DNS, SMTP, HTTP, FTP, TFTP, TELNET , Transport layer, TCP Protocol, UDP Protocol , State transition diagram in TCP , Congestion Control policies , Network layer , IPv4. IPv6 , IP addressing , Routing Protocols. Fragmentation , OSI Model , Interview Questions.
    • Version Control
      Understand Version Control Systems , Master Git, the most popular VCS. , Branching - Creating and Merging Branches. , Deploying a Git Repository on Github. , Using Github Pages to deploy websites. , How to collaborate as a team. , Moving back and forth in git timeline. , Advanced Git Features - Rebasing, Stashing, Branching, Merge Conflicts. , Create a Web Portfolio. , Interview Questions.
    • Everything about Linux
      Basic commands, Linux Filesystem, LVM, Linux Networking, Permissions and Firewall, What is Kernel , What is Shell, What is Shell Script, Evolution of the Shell, Shell vs bash, Shell vs Bash vs Other, Which Shell is For You, What is Windows, History, Linux vs Windows, Distributions, Which OS for you, What is Unix?, Unix vs Linux, Unix Limitations, Linux Limitations, Market Trends, Linux Commands , Linux Commands for DevOps, Shell Scripting basics, Git commands,User Administration in Linux, Package Management in Linux, Linux Interview Questions.
    • Basic of Devops
      docker for developers, Forget SDK commands, Using docker images, creating docker images, Publish docker images,docker with common dev profiles, Running containers
    • Docker Fundamentals
      Basics of dockers, Docker Images, Creating Docker images, Publishing docker images, Running Containers
    • Advanced Docker Concepts
      Docker Compose, Docker Swarm, Running Kubernetes Clusters, PODs, Replica Sets, Services, Ingress, Auto Scaling, Config MAps, Secrets, Deployments, Interview Questions.
    • All About Chef
      Jenkins X with kubernetes, Ansible From zero to hero, CI CD Pipeline, Interview Questions
    • Basic Of AWS
      AWS terraform from zero to hero, Complete AWS for Devops, Connect to AWS, Connect to Azure, Deploy an Ansible Development Environment with AWS, Dynamic Inventories for Scaling, AWS - Create a Dynamic Inventory, AWS - Use Keyed Groups, Azure - Create a Dynamic Inventory, Azure - Use Keyed Groups, Cloud Patterns, Interview Questions
    • All About Ansible
      Introduction, Build and Run a Container, Variables, Volumes, and DockerHub, Getting Started with Ad-Hoc Commands and Playbooks, Introduction to Ad-Hoc Commands, Create a Playbook, Putting the Ansible Environment to Work, Ad-hoc Commands against Remote Hosts, Playbooks against Remote Hosts, Configure an Nginx Web Server, Configure a Windows IIS Web Server
    • All About Infra
      Introduction to Inventories, Use Groups, Organize Hosts and Group Variables, Secure Secrets with Ansible Vault: Use Encrypted Files, Secure Secrets with Ansible Vault: Use Encrypted Strings
    • Reusable Configs
      Introduction, Build a Site, Make it Reusable with Ansible Roles, Decoupling Ansible Roles, Build a CI /CD pipeline for Ansible with Github Actions
    • All about Automation
      Intro To Selenium, Applications of selenium, Projects, Complete CI CD PIPELINE PROJECT, Interview Questions
    • AI Mastery Program
      Prompt Engineering [Effective prompt writing], 10x your presentation using AI, 10x your LinkedIn- LinkedIn Hacks, Multiple AI tools usage for Bypass Paywalls etc., Github Copilot and other AI tools for coding, 10x your Excel, Job Hunting with AI tools
    • OOPS Concept
      Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming, Classes and Objects, Encapsulation, Inheritance, Polymorphism, Abstraction
    • JVM, JRE, JDK, and Memory Management
      Java Virtual Machine (JVM) Overview, Java Runtime Environment (JRE) vs. Java Development Kit (JDK), Memory Management in Java.
    • Exception Handling in Java
      TBasics of Exception Handling, Exception Types: Checked and Unchecked, Try-Catch Blocks, Finally Block, Throw and Throws Keywords
    • Multi-Threading
      Introduction to Multi-Threading, Thread Creation and Management, Synchronization and Thread Safety.
    • Java I/O and Reflection
      Input and Output Streams, File Handling in Java, Introduction to Reflection: Dynamically Examining and Modifying Classes.
    • Collection Framework and Concurrent Package
      Collection Interfaces and Classes, List, Set, Map Implementations, Introduction to Concurrent Programming in Java.
    • Generics in Java and Java 8 Features
      Introduction to Generics, Type Safety and Parameterized Types, Overview of Java 8 Features: Lambdas, Streams, Optional, etc.
    • Java 9 and Upcoming Features
      Java 9 Modules System, Enhancements in Java 9, Overview of Upcoming Features.
    • JDBC and Internationalization
      Java Database Connectivity (JDBC), Basics of Database Access in Java, Introduction to Internationalization (i18n) in Java.
    • Hibernate
      Introduction to Hibernate Framework, Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) Concepts, Hibernate Architecture and Configuration.
    • Project Development
      User Service and Token Management, Deployment of User Service on GCP/AWS, Integration of Advanced Java Concepts in Project Implementation.
    • Introduction To SpringBoot
      Overview of Spring Boot Framework, Features and Advantages of Spring Boot, Spring Boot vs. Traditional Spring Framework.
    • Spring Boot Basics
      Setting up a Spring Boot Application, Spring Boot Starter Projects, Spring Boot Auto-Configuration.
    • Dependency Injection and Spring Beans
      Dependency Injection (DI) in Spring Boot, Configuring Spring Beans, @Autowired and @Component Annotations.
    • Building RESTful APIs with Spring Boot
      Introduction to RESTful Web Services, Creating RESTful APIs with Spring Boot, Handling HTTP Requests and Responses.
    • Spring Boot MVC
      Model-View-Controller (MVC) Architecture, Creating Controllers, Views, and Models in Spring Boot, Request Mapping and Controller Advice.
    • Spring Boot Data Access
      Integration of Spring Data with Spring Boot, CRUD Operations with Spring Data JPA, Database Configuration in Spring Boot.
    • Spring Boot Security
      Introduction to Spring Security, Securing Spring Boot Applications, .
    • Spring Boot Actuator and Monitoring
      Monitoring and Managing Spring Boot Applications, Actuator Endpoints and Metrics, Customizing Actuator in Spring Boot.
    • Spring Boot Testing
      Unit Testing and Integration Testing in Spring Boot, Testing Controllers, Services, and Repositories, Using MockMvc and @SpringBootTest.
    • Spring Boot Microservices
      Introduction to Microservices Architecture, Building Microservices with Spring Boot, Communication between Microservices.
    • Spring Boot Deployment
      Packaging and Deploying Spring Boot Applications, Deployment Strategies: Embedded Tomcat vs. External Containers, Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) with Spring Boot.
    • Spring Boot Cloud Integration
      Integration of Spring Boot with Spring Cloud, Service Discovery, Configuration Management, and Circuit Breaker Patterns in Spring Boot, Deploying Spring Boot Applications on Cloud Platforms like AWS, GCP, or Azure.
    • SOLID Principles
      What happens when you hit the url on your browser ?What is system Design? Types of System Design HLD intro
    • Design Patterns
      Learn design patterns such as Factory, AbstractFactory, Visitor, Singleton, Strategy, pubsub, State, Builder etc.
    • UML Diagrams
      Learn to generate UML diagrams.
    • Schema Design
      Learn to build schema designs to make your applications.
    • Entity-Relationship (ER) Diagrams
      To define the relationships between entities in a database.
    • Machine Coding Exercises
      Parking Lot System Design, Splitwise, Elevator Design, Booking App etc.
    • Design Problem
      URL Shortener/ Pastebin Api Rate Limiter.
    • Design Problem
      Online Ticket Booking System, Build An E-Commerce Website, Design True caller, Design Snake and Ladder Game, Design Bill Sharing/Expense Sharing like Splitwise, Design Distributed Id Generation like Twitter Snowflake id etc.
    • Coding using OOPs
      Machine Coding.
    • Diving into HLD
      Learning important concepts of HLD such as Consistent Hashing, Caching Strategies, CAP Theorem etc, Rate Limiting/ Throttling Techniques etc.
    • Different types of databases.
      Learn difference between SQL and NoSQL, along with important topics such as ACID and BASE Properties etc.
    • Deep Diving into databases.
      Mongo, Dynamo, Cassandra D, Elastic concepts, Scalability Concepts etc.
    • Deployment and other important tools.
      Technologies such as Zookeeper, Kafka, Redis, AWS S3 etc.
    • Microservices Architecture vs. Monolithic Architecture
      Learn about the different architectures.
    • Case Studies
      Solve interview/industry required case studies such as Tiny URL, BookMyShow, Facebook/Instagram News Feed, Payment Systems etc.
    • Introduction to React.js
      Introduction to React js - import export, , template literals Single page apps, CSR vs SSR ( universal apps , isomorphic apps ) How react works, Webpack - Webpack and babel Hierarchy, Events Handling in Reactjs - Creating pages using React, Events handling and state.
    • Deep Diving into React.js
      Components in Reactjs - Component driven approach, Break page into component , Smart vs dumb component, Props - Props, Lists and keys, NPM & Router, Component lifecycle - Component lifecycle, Hooks, Proptypes.
    • React.Js hooks
      React JS in Depth - 1 - Hooks(useState, useEffect, useRef, useReducer and creating custom hooks), React JS in Depth - 2 - Understanding Keys, Fragments, and DB connections).
    • Redux
      React JS - Redux - Learning Redux basics, Advanced Redux - Advanced Redux(Async Code, Handling Http requests, fetching data).
    • Deployment and Capstone Project
      React JS Deployment - React Lazy Loading, firebase-deployment, Starting with NodeJS Project-2 - Food Ordering Classes(React JS).
    • About Next.Js
      Next.js Introduction - Getting Started with NextJS, Understanding NextJS Architecture, Routings & Dynamic Routings, Data Fetching(getInitialProps, getServerSideProbps, useSwr etc.)
    • Introduction to Operating systems and Networking
      Operating System Fundamentals, Semaphores, Process Scheduling, Deadlocks, Process Syncronization etc.
    • Deep diving into OS concepts
      Learn about Memory management, File system management, Threading
    • Diving into world of Networking
      OSI Model, HTTP/1.1&2, Routing Protocols, Understanding How the Internet Works (TCP, UDP, HTTP, Layered Architecture), Websocket communication etc.
    • Database SQL
      Relational Model, CRUD Operations, Joins, Aggregation Functions, Subqueries, Transactions Management, Indexing etc.
    • Networking Basics
      Application Layer, DNS, SMTP, HTTP, FTP, TFTP, TELNET , Transport layer, TCP Protocol, UDP Protocol , State transition diagram in TCP , Congestion Control policies , Network layer , IPv4. IPv6 , IP addressing , Routing Protocols. Fragmentation , OSI Model , Interview Questions.
    • Version Control
      Understand Version Control Systems , Master Git, the most popular VCS. , Branching - Creating and Merging Branches. , Deploying a Git Repository on Github. , Using Github Pages to deploy websites. , How to collaborate as a team. , Moving back and forth in git timeline. , Advanced Git Features - Rebasing, Stashing, Branching, Merge Conflicts. , Create a Web Portfolio. , Interview Questions.
    • Everything about Linux
      Basic commands, Linux Filesystem, LVM, Linux Networking, Permissions and Firewall, What is Kernel , What is Shell, What is Shell Script, Evolution of the Shell, Shell vs bash, Shell vs Bash vs Other, Which Shell is For You, What is Windows, History, Linux vs Windows, Distributions, Which OS for you, What is Unix?, Unix vs Linux, Unix Limitations, Linux Limitations, Market Trends, Linux Commands , Linux Commands for DevOps, Shell Scripting basics, Git commands,User Administration in Linux, Package Management in Linux, Linux Interview Questions.
    • Basic of Devops
      docker for developers, Forget SDK commands, Using docker images, creating docker images, Publish docker images,docker with common dev profiles, Running containers
    • Docker Fundamentals
      Basics of dockers, Docker Images, Creating Docker images, Publishing docker images, Running Containers
    • Advanced Docker Concepts
      Docker Compose, Docker Swarm, Running Kubernetes Clusters, PODs, Replica Sets, Services, Ingress, Auto Scaling, Config MAps, Secrets, Deployments, Interview Questions.
    • All About Chef
      Jenkins X with kubernetes, Ansible From zero to hero, CI CD Pipeline, Interview Questions
    • Basic Of AWS
      AWS terraform from zero to hero, Complete AWS for Devops, Connect to AWS, Connect to Azure, Deploy an Ansible Development Environment with AWS, Dynamic Inventories for Scaling, AWS - Create a Dynamic Inventory, AWS - Use Keyed Groups, Azure - Create a Dynamic Inventory, Azure - Use Keyed Groups, Cloud Patterns, Interview Questions
    • All About Ansible
      Introduction, Build and Run a Container, Variables, Volumes, and DockerHub, Getting Started with Ad-Hoc Commands and Playbooks, Introduction to Ad-Hoc Commands, Create a Playbook, Putting the Ansible Environment to Work, Ad-hoc Commands against Remote Hosts, Playbooks against Remote Hosts, Configure an Nginx Web Server, Configure a Windows IIS Web Server
    • All About Infra
      Introduction to Inventories, Use Groups, Organize Hosts and Group Variables, Secure Secrets with Ansible Vault: Use Encrypted Files, Secure Secrets with Ansible Vault: Use Encrypted Strings
    • Reusable Configs
      Introduction, Build a Site, Make it Reusable with Ansible Roles, Decoupling Ansible Roles, Build a CI /CD pipeline for Ansible with Github Actions
    • All about Automation
      Intro To Selenium, Applications of selenium, Projects, Complete CI CD PIPELINE PROJECT, Interview Questions
    • AI Mastery Program
      Prompt Engineering [Effective prompt writing], 10x your presentation using AI, 10x your LinkedIn- LinkedIn Hacks, Multiple AI tools usage for Bypass Paywalls etc., Github Copilot and other AI tools for coding, 10x your Excel, Job Hunting with AI tools

    Top skills that you will master!

    Industry Projects

    Splitwise App

    In this you'll learn how to build system of splitwise app, desiging the system and the algorithm that you need.
    Design Leetcode/Online coding contest platform

    This project will give you an overall exposure of how to deep dive in to components and development of industry oriented systems.
    Design cult fit app

    Learn building the features that you'd typically include in your day to day role as a developer.
    Design Cache system

    In this you'll build CACHE system project using algorithms like learn about data storage, retrieval algorithms and caching mechanisms etc.
    Design a Vending Machine

    In this you'll learn about designs, inventory management, transaction, and system testing.
    Food Ordering App

    You'll learn state management, integrating backend with frontend and designing an interactive platform to order food online.
    Enchanced Text Extractor Tool

    Learn to use library to process text and display on web app, handling file uploads, enriching data using OPEN AI etc in a user friendly format.
    Github Analytics

    Learn to search users, repos, sorting, commit history visualization along with RATE LIMITING.

    Learn about User Management such as onboarding users, roles assignment, permissions etc and the KYC Onboarding Process. These kind of projects definitely increases chance of resume shortlisting.

    Our Chief Guide

    Manmohan Gupta

    Founder at Vidyamandir Classes, Nagarro, and Coding Blocks.

    We started Coding Blocks with a vision to create army of students who will love coding. We teach them not just fundamentals but make sure they solve hundreds of coding problems.
    Learning journey never stops and we are always looking for new ways to make students love coding.

    Learn from Top Mentors

    Kartik MathurAcademics Head & Founding Member

    Kartik is an NSUT graduate and an accomplished competitive programmer. He is also a full stack web developer and contributes to Startups. He has trained more than 15000 students till date into various courses and his students can be found in Google, Facebook, Amazon, Microsoft, Adobe and the like. He is fun loving, makes learning interesting and is an absolute favourite of the Student community. He loves exploring newer technologies and is always up for an interesting chat over coffee.

    Puru KathuriaSWE-III MAANG | Ex-Mathworks

    Puru Kathuria is an accomplished engineer specializing in Machine Learning and Computer Science, having graduated from the esteemed IIIT Delhi. His journey began at MathWorks, where he pioneered motion planning algorithms for Autonomous Cars and initiated a deep learning book club to foster knowledge sharing. Transitioning to MAANG, Puru now leads the charge in developing cutting-edge products to boost developer productivity across multiple cloud teams. He also spearheads educational initiatives, empowering his peers with insights into statistical machine learning. With a focus on distributed systems, backend engineering, and machine learning, Puru is driving innovation and shaping the future of technology at MAANG.

    Archit TripathiLead Engineer Make My Trip | EX-OLX

    I'm Archit Tripathi, a technology enthusiast and Lead Engineer at MakeMyTrip, specializing in driving innovations to enhance the travel experience. With a passion for mentoring and a penchant for exploring emerging technologies, I thrive in dynamic environments where creativity and expertise converge. Prior to my current role, I served as a career coach and mentor for over 3 years at Scaler and Self, guiding individuals towards professional success. Additionally, I contributed to the development of in-house logistic solutions, including a dynamic routing engine and booking platform, during my tenure as a Lead Engineer at OLX Group.

    Monu KumarSenior Instructor and Product engineer

    Monu is a Competitive Programmer and an expert in Data Structures, Algorithms and Mathematics. He always amazes his students with his creative thinking to solve the problems and makes solutions to tough problems a cake walk. He is witty and has a strong grasp on the core subjects of Computer Science.

    Shresth SahaiSenior Instructor and Product Engineer | Tact.AI

    Shresth is a competitive programmer driven by an unwavering enthusiasm for teaching. Proficient in an array of technologies including DevOps, System Design, and Web Development, alongside Python scripting, he possesses a diverse skill set. His expertise extends to software development patents, indicative of his innovative contributions to the field. With a track record of success, Shresth has triumphed in cracking many product-based companies. Presently employed at Tact.Ai and EX-Paytm.

    Learn from Top Mentors

    Kartik MathurAcademics Head & Founding Member


    Archit TripathiLead Engineer at MMT | EX-OLX


    Monu KumarSenior Instructor and Product engineer


    Shresth SahaiSenior Instructor and Product engineer

    Certificate of Excellence

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    Benefits of Certification

    Benefits of our Career Bootcamp for Working Professionals

    Industry mentors

    Industry mentors

    Top mentors from industry to bring real world experience and expertise in your skillset.

    Resuming building

    Resuming building

    Let us help you tell your journey/professional experience through your Resume!

    Hands-on real time learning

    Hands-on real time learning

    Learn by building projects on the technology stacks you're learning, ensuring that students become industry-ready.

    Mock interviews

    Mock interviews

    Our industry experts will help you to succeed with tailored feedback and invaluable insights, all aimed at helping you reach your full potential.

    Quick doubt resolution

    Quick doubt resolution

    Instant clarity and quick response - that's our commitment to resolving your doubts lightning-fast, to make your career get launched.

    Certified Program

    Certified Program

    Our certified program is meticulously crafted by industry experts, designed to provide you with the knowledge that current industry demands.

    Success Stories

    where hard work and determination meets victory!


    Our Reviews

    We love our students as much as they love us!

    100+ Questions

    Your application is received!

    Congratulation! Your application has been received.

    Attempt Test - To give your career a launch!

    The 2 hours test will consist of 10 aptitude questions and 3 coding questions based on DSA.

    It is to ensure that you are ready to become part of this bootcamp, since it is an exclusive program consisting of maximum 50 students/batch.

    You will undergo a training of 6 months on the topics mentioned in the syllabus section of this page.

    To attempt the test click on Apply Now.

    Clear Test - To give your career a launch!

    If you have already attempted the test and your result is awaited, check email or call +91-9999579111 to connect with your coding buddy.

    If you are a techie and wants to become a pro TECHIE to get into your dream organsiation then click on Apply Now to register.

    Interview Round

    Once you clear the test, only then your interview will be scheduled.

    1. Check Email
    2. You can call +91-9999579111 to connect with your coding buddy for confirmation

    In case, you haven't attempted the test yet, go to Apply Now section.

    Successfully Enrolled

    Jor Jor se bolkar sabko batade

    If you are selected then congratulations 🥳 AB JOR JOR SE BOLKAR SABKO BATADO via social media accounts.
    If not, then don't worry you can re-appear for the selection process.

    Academics Fee Structure

    Assured Placement Assistance

    69,999 + 18% GST

    One time payment

    *To be paid when you enroll into the program.

    Industry Standards curated syllabus
    Interactive LIVE lectures
    Industry mentors from FAANG
    LIVE Doubt support
    Average Package 16 LPA
    Course Completion Certificate
    Dedicated and Assured Job Assistance
    Flexible EMI Structure for 3, 6, 9 and 12 Months

    Enroll Now
    Our Students are placed at

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Learn and grow as a developer with our project based courses.

    • The career bootcamp requires you to have a background in basics of programming, arrays, strings, recursion, linkedlist, stack and queue.

    • The duration of this BOOTCAMP is about 6-8 Months along with the PLACEMENT SUPPORT till you get your OPPORTUNITY, with maximum 24 months of placement support.

    • Mode of Teaching will be LIVE INTERACTIVE SESSIONS (you will have to attend live lectures and it is type of session in which you can ask doubts on runtime basis).

    • There are 200+ companies who have hired our students in the past. Industry Giants like OYO, Flipkart, Microsoft, AWS, Swiggy ,are some of the regular and prominent names comprising this list. We Also Provide Industry referrals to help our candidates get placed as quickly as possible


      Our dedicated placement team offers continuous support during and after the program, refining your portfolio, resume, and interview skills. Our proven track record demonstrates an average 3.09x increase in earnings for graduates.

      You crack a Tech job by building your portfolio, crafting your CV, clearing interviews, and much more.

    • The course will be conducted via 100 % Online Live sessions. It has been designed in such a manner that you will have all the live video recorded and uploaded to your Learning Management System. The timings for the live classes are usually late evening between 8:00 PM-11:00 PM.

    • Yes. Our course is open to any final-year college student or working professional who wants to pursue a career in computer science and is prepared to invest a lot of work. All students are invited, regardless of their degree, graduation rate, or branch!